Top 10 Baking Tips

Top 10 Baking Tips

Carefully Weigh The Ingredients

You wouldn't believe how much can go wrong just because ingredients were weighed incorrectly. It can have a disastrous effect on the taste and consistency if you're just a little out of it, but it's one of the easiest things to get right. Focus on it at the outset, as any mistakes will only be magnified in the future!

Take The Recipe as A Complete Guide

It should be uniform in terms of the measurements of the ingredients, but the way you knead the cake dough, the tools you use, and especially the strength of your oven will all have a slightly different effect on what you do. With that in mind, make your own comments on the recipe so you can see how your process and equipment affect the final product next time.

Embrace Any Devices That Makes Baking Easier

It sounds obvious, but some people balk at using gadgets. Why? If a processor creates a finished product that is better than doing things by hand and saves you time and energy in the process, then I'd say "go for it"! There are enough parts of the process that require manual skill, so you might as well save as much time as possible. When people judge your creations, they judge the taste and texture, not what they see in the dish.

Keep An Eye on How Much Baking Powder You Add

When adding too much baking powder, you'll find yourself with stuff that rises and falls quickly, eventually drying out the cake. It's a fantastic ingredient, but it needs to be treated with respect!

Do Not Rush The Baking Process

If you have an hour to complete a job that should take 70 minutes, don't try. Do it another day when you have more time. If racing against time, always try to allow 25% extra time to bake because you never know when you might need to redo. Like most things in life, rushing things will only lead to disappointment.

Make Sure to Use The Right Equipment

Different cakes will require different tins, depending on the ingredients and how quickly you want to heat them. Don't assume that just because you have an expensive tin, it’s the right thing for you to bake with. Read the recipe properly and don't start anything until you know you have the right equipment.

Do Not Put Pressure on Yourself

If you're baking in a busy environment, or have friends staying over to monitor your every move, ask them for a few minutes so you can focus on what you're doing. Baking is tricky enough by itself, no multitasking needed!

Do Not Let The “Toothpick Trick” Be Your Only Guide

As much as I love this test, if the cake isn't golden brown, it's not cooked through. It's best to combine this test with a color check, or even get your hands on the cake. If it pushes down and springs back, then the cake is done. If not, you will need to put it back in the oven for a longer time.

Brush A Jam Coating First before Create Icing on The Cake

This seals the cake and acts as a base for adding icing, meaning a constant top layer with no cake or crumbs lurking inside.

Choose Butter with High Fat

The problem with low-fat spreads and butters is that they have a higher moisture content. When it evaporates, it causes the layers in the mixture to bind together. Therefore it's always worth checking your ingredients before baking.

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